Current revision updated by dl168 on
Originally created by dl168 on
  1. Go to the ticket in RT that needs to be merged (i.e. that is a duplicate or comment on an already-existing ticket).
  2. Click on the "Links" menu item in top right.
  3. Under "New Links", enter EXACT ticket number of the destination or original ticket into the "Merge into" field.
    • Caution - RT may pop up an unrelated ticket if the title contains the same string of numbers. Pay close attention before hitting enter or 'Save Changes'.
  4. Click on "Save Changes" button in bottom right.

Issues to beware of when merging:

  • Merging causes tickets to drop out of the unanswered queue, so take ownership before merging.
  • You must get the number of the destination ticket exactly correct, as merging makes the duplicate ticket disappear (and you don't want to accidentally merge it with an already-resolved ticket).
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