Here are some things to be aware of when working the Front Desk.
- If you're using your personal laptop/tablet/etc. on the front desk, you still have to monitor the helpdesk queue and calendar reminders. Feel free to adjust sleep/screensaver settings as needed to make this easier.
- When someone walks up or calls, it's a good practice to identify yourself. This is essential with non-TSO customers, but it's also a good habit to practice with TSO personnel.
All equipment that comes into this office should be labeled with one of the info sheets, so we know what is what. This should happen immediately, before it ever finds its way to back where it can get lost in the shuffle.
In order to present a more professional appearance:
- As a general rule (excepting brief meetings, changeovers, etc.), there should be no more than 2 Help Desk employees (FTEs and SAs) working in the walk-in office of the Help Desk in CCB 225D. Additional personnel should work from the front greeting area, the back workroom, or be deployed out in the field.
- Personal effects (bags, coats, lunches, etc.) should be stowed behind or in the main desk or in the back.
- Meals should be eaten in the walk-in office or greeting area.
- If music is played over speakers in the Help Desk, it should be non-offensive (profanity-free, without foul, abusive, violent, or discriminatory language) and should be kept at a low volume (and preferably muted when customers come in). Neither personal music devices nor headphones should be used while working in the front of the Help Desk except for use with remote support software or video conferencing. Music, whether played over speakers or through a personal device, must not interfere with work or dealing with customers. If it poses any disruption, distraction, or safety hazard, or if the music played is audible and objectionable to customers or other employees, you will be asked to turn it off.
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