Submitted by David Gaspard on Apr 5, 2013
*migrated from
0. Open up network and host-based firewalls for starbug and ouroboros for your client machine
0.5. Add a 'galaxy' group to your machine via groupadd or editing /etc/group
/usr/sbin/groupadd galaxy
1. wget the CD ISO from polymorph or scp it to your target machine:
2. mount the iso to the loopback interface:
mount -o loop /path/to/iso.iso /mnt
3. Run 'cvpkgadd' to start installation:
4. Accept the license agreement
5. Use 8400 for CVD port number
6. Use 8402 for EvMgrC
7. Install on a physical machine always, even if it's really a VM.
8. Use the FQDN for the host name
9. use the short host name for the client name
10. Install number 2, the iDataAgent
11. Do NOT configure firewall services
12. set the commserve name as
if it hangs at this point, then you've missed a firewall configuration
13. set the installation dir as /opt
14. log dir is /var/log
15. use the default job results dir, and let the installer create it
16. use the group galaxy that you made previously
17. Do NOT schedule automatic update
18. Add to the Master_Full storage policy
19. Do not turn on the global filter for the subclient
20. Add to the Linux Servers computer group
21. exit the installer
22. Run '/opt/galaxy/Base/config_fw'
23. config firewall services
24. Port range is 50000-50100
25. add starbug and ouroboros as two-way symmetric firewalled hosts
26. keepalive interval is 5 mins
27. no advanced settings